What could i do for a better ragdoll?

For some reason in the server if the player’s model is loaded client sided, the parts just keep teleporting from the server’s perspective, and if server loaded, it keeps teleporting from the client’s perspective, how could i fix it?

im using BallSocketConstraints

should i use something else instead of ballsockets??

Roblox has recently released an upgrade on Avatar Joints, and it includes improvements for ragdolls. It’s worth looking into if you’re interested, if not, ballsocketcontraints SHOULD work just fine aswell.


well, i alredy tried that, but as soon as enableing it , it only works for R15 :confused:

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Can I see the script that you made for ragdolling?


This is the parts for the ballsockets

				local Ball = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint",char.HumanoidRootPart)
				Ball.Name = charpart.Name.."BallSocketConstraint"
				Ball.LimitsEnabled = true

				local BallAttachment0 = Instance.new("Attachment",charpart)
				local BallAttachment1 = Instance.new("Attachment",char.Torso)
				Ball.Attachment0 = BallAttachment0
				Ball.Attachment1 = BallAttachment1
				BallAttachment0.CFrame = PartsRagdollPosition[charpart.Name]
				BallAttachment1.WorldCFrame = BallAttachment0.WorldCFrame

and this is to disable the Motor6D’s

				for l, partsincharparts in pairs(charpart:GetChildren()) do
					if partsincharparts:IsA("Motor6D") then
							partsincharparts.Enabled = not RagdollValue.Value

What I did for my ragdoll script is giving each Motor6D in the character a BallSocketConstraint with LimitsEnabled and TwistLimitsEnabled, and then destroying the Motor6D itself.

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But then how could i go back to the normal state?
This script kinda works, but if i put the player NetworkOwnership on the client, for the others, the player’s Ragdoll won’t be fluid, and if the NetworkOwnershio on the server, the player’s ragdoll in it’s vision won’t be fluid

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Instead of destroying the Motor6D, you could enable and disable it? I didn’t account for that, apologies, mine only triggers on death of the player.


Thats what i alredy do, the problem is mostly the snap on the server when player ragdolled

You’ll have to wait until someone else knows something better, I’m really sorry. I told you everything I know LOL

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i’ll keep it this way, but do you know how to fix this problem where if you fall in to the void ragdolled you don’t respawn?

Define “don’t respawn”, do you respawn without a body? Or do you just endlessly fall into the void?

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i just don’t repsawn when i die in the void, i get perma death

You could try respawning the player manually after you detect them dying with the use of Player:LoadCharacter()

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Aparently Void Is Not Really Killing The Player??

So thats a problem with my module, i deactivated it, and now the void works fine?

Found what was causing that, apparently the requires neck if disabled just don’t let your character died from the void

and there is something weird with this that i have no idea how to fix this…


You should start a different thread for this, it’s getting off topic

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