What could make a game more realistic?

Hi !
What could make a game more realistic?
Here my game !


Can we please have some screenshots?


You can test the game if you wish, but what would you like as a screen shot? :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Just the graphics, maybe a map or two.

Im on my phone so I can’t test it i can later on my pc

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Oh sorry … :sweat_smile:

There is currently an advanced movement system, time and weather, visual effects, and face animations ! :grin:

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Cool! It’s pretty realistic already. Maybe you could add an energy bar for swimming/sprinting.

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Very cool idea I will implement this in my game ! :yum:

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Water splash fx, could be made with a video or tweenService animation.


I believe that adding an atmosphere will get most of the job done. But there is a lot more to improve, and with such a poor environnement without anything to rest on as a reference, It’s hard to tell what makes a game “more realistic”.

Add some more things left and right, and I might be able to help.