What could trigger roblox's auto moderation system in this module?

I got 1 day ban for:

Reason: Misusing Roblox Systems
Offensive Item: Asset Name:opp Asset ID:14880384226

But, the module that in problem is for just summoning a car, So I put ban appeal for this.

Module In problem:
oppressor.rbxm (90.9 KB)
The car which this spawns:


local module = {}
local clone = nil
function module.load(target)
	_G.target = target
	local target = game.Players:WaitForChild(_G.target)
	local char = target.Character
	local c = script["OPPRESSOR MK II CHROMA"]:Clone()
	c.Parent = workspace
return module

Only script in the car requires it’s own module, but the module isn’t in problem, which I ain’t banned for the modulescript that car uses, I got banned for the summoning script.

This module wasn’t banned until I updated the require code and nothing else, after update, I got banned.


Definitely a stretch, but potentially the word “oppressor”


“Oppressor” isn’t censored in any way, def no reason to censor that…
But yeah, ROBLOX could detected that name as malicious, i should change that car name just in case…

Roblox didn’t replied yet, I should wait until ROBLOX replies the appeal.

You should of been banned for using _G lol. The forbidden character


noo don’t bring the oppressor into roblox
(might be the word oppressor as the first person said but that’s kinda wierd)

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Usually means Roblox thinks the asset bypassed moderation somehow.

The bot probably read this as an attempt to bypass “2” (Roblox likes to censor numbers). Unless your Appeals operator is a bot too, it should be reversible.

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i found that the _G.target is useless at that script, idk why i did use this

Oppressor isn’t censored in any way, weird.

Oh dam, I can’t even use original name. I should change it to avoid bans. thanks.

Edit :
Yeah, false positive.

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