What counts as animal abuse?

In my game, there is a cowshed that burns down in the middle of the battle. You can’t see the cows dying or burning, but there is audio that implies so:

Would this audio cue count as animal abuse, and should I remove it from my game if it is?

I am asking because this isn’t supposed to represent a deliberate harming of animals, but rather collateral damage from the battle. The audio only plays for about 45 seconds in-game.


Without context, the audio sounds like cows mooing typically. I don’t believe collateral damage that’s not purposeful is considered animal abuse, so I honestly think you are fine.

Additionally, what game is that? It looks fun. And I love the attention to detail with the cows.


Thanks! Also, my game is: CENTAURA - Roblox


I think you’re fine. As Crazed said, it just sounds like cows making regular mooing noises, it doesn’t imply animal abuse to me. You’re not depicting this in any way either.


I do find it funny that someone in the game chat said “NO THE COWS” though, so somebody knew what was going on in the barn. :sob::skull:

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I mean its in the middle of a giant battlefield, I doubt thats animal absue. If you’re worrying about animal abuse you might be ignoring alot of other issues about being in a battlefield.