What creates less lag? ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage?

I am looking to place over 100 models whilst in game through a gui button (client side only) so where should I store them for the least amount of lag.


The lag difference shouldn’t be too big, however in replicated storage the client will need to download the maps as well. In server storage, the contents there do not replicate to the client so the client won’t have to download them there.


Assets within ReplicatedStorage - as the name implies - will be replicated to client when they join a game, by the server. Assets within ServerStorage, however, will not be replicated to the client, meaning that only the server will have access to the stored assets.

In terms of lag, when comparing the use of the two services, for ReplicatedStorage, both the client and server will have almost instantaneous access to any of the assets stored there, since they both will have copies of them stored locally. However, you must consider what sort of assets you want to store there, as it can have a dramatic impact on your game performance by eating up RAM (assuming you preload them) in a client device, which is in some cases, is VERY limited. For example , if you are storing detailed models in vast quantities, then you should most likely find elsewhere to put them since they will take up a considerable amount of space. If you are to store simple things (in terms of space required to store) such as modules, remotes, scripts , etc, then you should be fine.

In my opinion, ServerStorage is best suited to assets that require a decent amount of storage space as it can take the strain off client devices, which is very important as we must consider the age demographic of ROBLOX (young children) who will often own low end hardware (aka potato pc’s :confused: ) provided by their parents. Although the amount of available space is still finite on the server, it should be sufficient for most scenarios. The caveat of storing assets there, however, is that if the client wishes to access it, they must first make a request to the server in order for it to replicate it to them, which can take some time depending on the strength of the client’s network connection, and the complexity of the asset which has been requested.

I hope you found this informative. :slight_smile:


See replicated storage is used to retrieve things while on a loop, server storage is slightly laggy and is used to do something only once.

This is in my oppinion you may correct me where I am wrong.