Ezeria is an MMORPG in early development. For decorative assets, I’ve added all the stereotypical things and I could use some more creative or outside the box ideas. Anything helps!
I don’t have any ideas, but the quality of this game looks really good!
Good luck on your project!
I would suggest adding a well at the first or second picture. Then maybe add like street signs to show the direction of a place. And maybe a farm? or a treehouse. Also NPCs would make the game so much better in my opinion. That’s all I can think of. Overall a really nice looking game! I would like to play it when it comes out.
Thanks for the suggestion! We definitely plan on adding NPC’s in the near future and I love the well and street sign idea! I’ll definitely be implementing these
I think that it is currently at a pretty good level of detail or “fullness”, but if it’s something you’re concerned with, you might “tighten” things up.
It’s okay to have open space in places that are meant to be open spaces, like in a field or even a light to dense forest. These can be filled with the types of things you already have present, just to a broader scale or a larger size. Other examples may be things such as mushrooms small/giant, flowers small/giant, fallen trees, logging operations, campsites, small ponds, foxholes, caves, burrows, rocky outcroppings, abandoned buildings, abandoned wagons, buildings reclaimed by nature, or other remnants of humanoid usage of the land like old farms. Think about the type of things you might find in an old forest that has been inhabited by humanoids for some amount of time.
However, you have a lot of white space in the “town” areas. You can “tighten” these areas either by physically bringing the buildings and objects in closer together, or by adding more structures between the buildings, like clotheslines, open “gates”, walls of the buildings that jut-out, animal pens, tents, canopies, balconies, porches, large rocks, exterior fortifications, storage houses/pits/areas, and more liberal usage of storage items like crates and barrels. Think about the type of things that a town would need to actually function if it weren’t merely a figment of your imagination, then slap them in.
As a final note, and one you most likely are already doing, ABUSE concept art from your favorite RPGs or concept artists. They have experience and they asked the same questions you are asking now – by analyzing their product beyond the sight of a mere player you can make their experience and time work for you.
Have fun!