What dialogue types are preferred?

Hello, I might be making a game that will require lots and lots of dialogue, so I need to make sure I’m doing what the community thinks is the best method of dialogues for my game.

Now obviously, I can’t upload sound bits for all of the dialogue because that would be too expensive, but I have three other ideas for dialogue, please tell me which is preferred.

As far as game type, I really don’t want to give too much away but it’s an action-type game with a plotline that you follow (so like most Lego Xbox and Wii games, games like Assassin’s Creed, etc.)

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3
(sorry it was really hard getting a screenshot of this)

Anyway, before you decide please keep in mind that there will likely be thousands of dialogues in the game.

So please tell me which would look best in the type of game I describe? It would be great if you could tell me why below also!

  • Type 1
  • Type 2
  • Type 3
  • Other (please reply)

0 voters


You can just do so much customisation with Type 1. The rest you can only do a tiny bit of customisation. Personally I would customise mine to have an ACNH style look. Type 3 is just too basic.


The problem is, is that too bulky for so many dialogues, and during fight scenes?

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The chat box can be quite small and forces the player to zoom their camera in (assuming the camera isn’t scriptable when the character is speaking), and you can only have a few messages per character at once, or else the messages will get cut off, so I don’t think you should do type 3.

Type 2 is better. You can clearly read the text and see who’s speaking. I think type 1 is even better though because the player can easily recognize the dialogue box, who’s speaking, and the text. I say go for type 1.


Type 1 if you are okay with doing a LOT of work.

Type 3 is good because it is not as much work, and the GUIs dont need to be timed.

Choose one that you feel comfortable with :slight_smile:


I don’t think it is, but I definitely don’t want Type 3.


Type 3 is a bit broken as words sometimes get cut off when using it. I do not recommend type 3.


I would say a good dialogue is one that is easy to see, but not too much in the way and also easy to navigate or interact with. Out of the given types, in my opinion Type 2 is the best, but by no means perfect. Type 1 is nice because it defines the boundaries of the dialogue, but too much in the way. I am guessing you will also have other UI on the screen which you will have to either work around or hide during it.

Type 3 is ok but it really depends on your game to be honest.

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I’m not sure if you noticed this, but:

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Type 1 is more appealing, as the dialogue is more clear and you know who’s talking.

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