I was going make a scary game but I don’t know what to do with the game now what should the game be about?
Here’s the game : A Bizarre Town [test game] - Roblox
I was going make a scary game but I don’t know what to do with the game now what should the game be about?
Here’s the game : A Bizarre Town [test game] - Roblox
I have been into the game and have the following to report.
Ok thanks this will really help me.
I would suggest making your own dialog system. Roblox’s default seems so crude.
Add some sort of world barrier, that not only stops you from falling off but stops your camera from looking over
These houses have clipping here
This might have been on purpose but why is there an open space here, which is this big?
Thanks I will make sure to add but the map is not finish that’s why where’s some spaces.
Oh alright, all good then.
{Filler characters down here}