What do I need to do, to solve this?

Basically. I’m creating a customization GUI. Right? And I want the players to be able to preview a clone of their character whilst they customize, so they can see their edits whilst they are editing. The only problem is with this is that. If other players join. The first player will be able to see the other player’s character and the second player can view the first player’s character, and I would like it so they can only see their character and nobody else’s. Any ideas on how I would do this?

Any help is appreciated

Everything needs to happen on the client side after finishing and pressing the finish button you should send the Shirt id pants id ect to a server.

There are 2 main methods to do this.

Method 1 - Server does everything

  • When client wants to add / remove clothing, fire the server
  • Server sets clothing based on client’s decision
  • Client clones newly updated character locally and uses that


Method 2 - Client does everything

  • Client makes changes to locally cloned character
  • Cloned character is local and can be edited from client
  • Once the player is done, the client fores the server the changes
  • The server makes the changes to the real character

If you have further questions, feel free to ask them.

Have what they are wearing stored as values or a variable. When they load in, change their character accordingly.

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you can use module 3d, the player’s clone will appear only to client Gui not for others. and to save the cahracter customizations you can make a script:

the script maybe instance a new folder on replicated storage or lighting with the name of player(datastore)


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