I’ve seen alot of posts about people making videos and game trailers to boost their game’s visibility so I decided to follow through and put together a 1-minute advertisement. Enjoy and maybe even consider checking out the game! Sorry I had to lower the quality to upload
Pretty cool. I like the music. You should put the graphics on max (If you haven’t).
The video and game themselves don’t look that high quality, all the fonts and images added in the editing process look clean though.
The game is good but not too good, I find it to be quite buggy and not really fun.
I also found a bug with this jumppad:
I suppose the game needs to be a sort of fast-paced game so why not add a momentum based movement system to make it a bit more fun.
The checkpoints display the “new checkpoint” message even when the checkpoint has already been reached. I recommend storing the player’s current level as an attribute and only updating the checkpoint if it’s higher than the current one.
The movement isn’t very exciting. Maybe you could set the platforms’ Friction to 0 and the FrictionWeight to 100 to make them more slippery. You could also add a badge as an incentive to complete the game.
The jump pads and speed boosters are very easy to accidentally jump over, so make the actual hitbox invisible and a lot higher than the part.