What do you do to reduce game server memory reduction?

The server memory limit is 6.25 GB for every ROBLOX game server. I think this is too low as games require more resources to use as they get more realistic. However, it appears as if ROBLOX is not addressing any comments on increasing the server memory, which is unfortunate as some developers (myself included) are limited to short server lifespans and hurt retention. Because of this, I am forced to make this thread as I have no other option:

How can I reduce server memory? Over time, our game’s server memory increases. Our servers last 1.5-2 hours before crashing and reaching the 6.25 GB limit. This hurts our retention vastly and we aren’t sure of direct methods to reduce server memory.


How can I reduce server memory? Over time, our game’s server memory increases. Our servers last 1.5-2 hours before crashing and reaching the 6.25 GB limit.

you might want to check if your code is memory leaking

like are you disconnecting events that no longer needs to be used?

are you freeing unused memory?

i’m not sure if roblox studio has something to track memory usage of individual scripts

Yes. I am disconnecting connections. Our game does have vehicles that players spawn in and tools and GUIs that are cloned to players. Would that have a drastic effect?

it depends on how much is being cloned, typically you’d be fine in that aspect

it’s a shame that roblox doesn’t have robust tools for memory performance (っ◞‸◟ c)


6.5GB is a generous amount of memory and theoretically you shouldn’t be maxing it out. If I had to guess I’d assume a lot of visual effects are being handled on the server and that’s going to be where the biggest usage comes from.

I was hoping that roblox would allow 8gbs and not 6.5. I’m not that big on development so I don’t know much about it but I would assume now and days. 6.5gb is a bit small compared to giving 8gb or more. Wouldn’t that allow developers to add more to their games when it comes to scripting/building/ui’s and much more running at one time. I could be wrong though

I asked them in a recent QnA and they said they have no near future plans to increase the limit. We just need to find the best methods to optimize the usage we have now I guess. Do you have any tips?

You could try using box collisions on meshes.

Yeah that’s what I’ve done already, so I’m desprate looking for more haha

Generally speaking, no. There’s a lot of games that are memory intensive on Roblox that don’t really require them going over the current limit. There’s certain optimizations and documentation for developers to use to help decrease memory usage throughout an experience but I don’t think the current state of the Roblox engine requires more memory availability.

Use UnreliableRemoteEvent to give a signal from the server to inform the client to perform a visual action. This will extensively reduce server memory, I use this personally for my game, and it works like a charm.

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