What do you think about my anti saveinstance()

I realized a few months ago that objects with Archive turned off (player characters), can’t be saved even hacker download the map.

At least the hackers who not goot at scripting, when they download the map
Workspace will be empty.

I’m sorry for my poor English

getfenv().script = nil

player:GetAttributeChangedSignal("workspaceLoaded"):Wait() -- Nother script
workspace.Archivable = false
	-- Kick player
for _,v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Anchored then
		v.Archivable = false
			-- Kick player

why is it only setting “Archivable” to false for Unanchored instances only? Also, you should do it to added descendants.

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This isn’t going to do anything. Archivable means you cannot call :Clone() on it. If someone is going to copy your game, they’re just going to serialize all of the instances and insert them into a place file.

EDIT: It also appears that if a part is not Archivable then it won’t be included when your game is published. I don’t see why you would want that for this use case because it means the part is never going to be added to the player’s client, so they won’t be able to steal it regardless.

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