Hi, I finished my first bigger game and of course It’s an obby :D, but I would really love some tips and feedback on how to improve the game. I have spent so much time on it. I literally haven’t slept for the past week and would really love some feedback. Thank you all!
I shall give my opinions on the game >:O
What I liked:
The Stages felt really nostalgic 2010 based, I enjoyed that! (The victory sound.mp3)
Each of them had a unique stage to it rather than just being 1 of the same stage over & over again
The progress bar was a nice touch, I actually liked that idea
What I didn’t like/What could be changed:
- Some of the Parts weren’t exactly “visible”, unless if that’s just my side? I had to keep jumping just to survive
I’d recommend changing the UI to fit for other screen sizes as well, I play on a windowed screen so the icons felt very strange & off
Y no Icon button work
31 Stages are pretty good, maybe if you change it to 50-100 then it’d be a full on game!
Overall though, I enjoyed playing 1 of those old-nostalgic games! But some changes can be made of course
Thank you so much for your feedback. Some blocks are invisible for purpose, but I will change it if players feel confused about it. I will tune out the UI so its better.
Another day, another review…
Short Reply:
Great game. Been a while since I last played such a retro obby. I really do enjoy them.
Long Reply:
Let’s begin.
The Pros
It has the retro 2010-16 feel to it which I really like.
The progress bar was a good touch, I enjoyed that.
The stages were all different, which really drives home the obby feel.
But that’s all the good things for now. Let’s start with the cons.
The Cons
Stage 5
The invisible jump… Uhhhhhhhhhh yeah took me a while to figure “what if I jump? Even if I die there should be some way around this…” Only to realize there’s literally an invisible slab. Use the following script on the part. It will be a nice touch.
while wait(5) do
game:GetService("TweenService"):create(script.Parent, TweenInfo.new(0.3, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {Transparency = 0.5})
game:GetService("TweenService"):create(script.Parent, TweenInfo.new(0.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {Transparency = 1})
This script might be wrongly written, I’m sorry, I didn’t write this in studio to verify that it actually works. Right here in the forums instead.
Stage ??
Has bouncy balls, a bit annoying but possible to beat.
Stage 26
This part clips making it visible where the “colide-less” brick is, a suggestion would be to make it a slightly darker color so it’s less rage inducing.
And last…
I swear to god there are floating free model decors in this game… Some which look really out of place… Either relocate the rigs and meshes that are nearby or sometimes touch the obby or just delete them.
Keep the flying jet though. I liked that, it’s very well placed. Would hurt to see it gone.
Retro obbies with a touch of modern and very well scripted UI.
Enjoyable game, I would like some more stages rather than 31 (It’s actually 29, the stage 30 to 31 is just a walkway).
9/10, would play again.
Also enjoy your 50 R$, yes I donated.
Would like to see more games from you, you’ve done this one pretty well!