What do you think about my game!

here’s the link: A sad Wall V © 1.12.2 - Roblox


I joined, and it was nice! Though, some of the neon bricks hurt my eyes.
I also discovered an invisible part near the picnic table. I don’t know if it was intentional or not.2020-12-15 (3)


The game is way too bright and there is a boombox Button behind the chat that’s really annoying.
Also I’ve never seen snow on an island before with grass terrain.
The trees are also free models and way too laggy.
There is also trees in the air?


Okay, this needs a lot more work but it is a start! Here is what I think needs to be improved.

  • The snow literally blinds you.
  • The map is in a straight line, making the game feel linear and restrictive.
  • Floating trees
  • Same trees copy and pasted every where
  • You float/sink into the terrain in certain places.
  • Nothing really makes sense as to why its here. Why is there a giant statue and a lemonade stand in the middle of snowy forest?

If you were to fix all of these and then go from there, you could make this in to something. Hope this helps :slight_smile:


I love the game but, the snow is to bright :smiley:

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  • Is the snow neon?
  • Is there anything not free model other than terrain?
  • No discernible path
  • The bridge was so covered in trees I didn’t see it at first
  • Why is there a boombox picture?
  • Why is there a statue?
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intentional I was supposed to put a badge on it.

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thank you for the 7 dislikes I know it new I’ll work on it when I have some free time

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Awesome, I like a little too laggy for my pc though, other than that It looks good!

The game looks good, but it’s REALLY bright.
Can you turn down the brightness, please?

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I like the concept however there are a few flaws as pointed out by other people here.
I’ll add on to it as someone who plays around with lighting and nature creations.

  • Your exposure compensation is turned up way too much, sometimes in showcase maps you need to do this and I understand, an example is one of my halted personal projects.


But it only works with greenery and other proper things added in. I would say that you cool down on the EC. Also add some blur, it helps hide the flaws and the meshes bugging out on roblox.

To add on, free models are okay, as sometimes I use them too to aid me in my builds but you need to separate the good from the bad, some of the trees are hyper real while others are literal cylinder logs, let’s try fixing that.

As for the map, add some walls around it, or some sort of terrain so the player isn’t looking into the chasm. Besides that I think you’re all good.


Do you gays have any suggestion on what I should do?

Look at all of these replies, they will tell you exactly what you need to fix or do.

Anything wrong besides that? :neutral_face:

I like the game! The only problem is that I noticed that the snow was extremely bright and hurt my eyes. And I noticed multiple tree models floating above the other trees.

Another thing I noticed was by the amount of free model trees there are, because there was an inconsistency of styles that the trees have. For example, there was a low-poly tree surrounded by realistic trees. Although there’s a lot of problems with this game. I’d say there’s still a lot of potential with the development!

Looks good, I noticed that you’re using free models of realistic trees for your showcase, and why is the snow and the exposure of the brightness is so bright?