What do you think about my "Jungle" music

Hey mates! I’m currently working on a fast-paced fps game that takes place in a Jungle, I created this music quickly just so I can get advice from you guys, since making these type of music isnt really my thing but this is a self project so I ain’t got much choice.
I would like to know how could I improve this music? Such as adding more drums, bass, etc.

New one is here: (I could improve it a bit more but this is how far I’ve been gotten, I improve it more when I get a chance / Also audio is downgrated since it is a large file size)


It’s really cool! Keep it up! :happy3:


This seems to be very nice indeed, the effects make it seems as if something were to happen that could potentially surprise the player. But maybe adding a more effective end towards the the end at 0:15 could be nice, otherwise keep up the good work you’re doing great!

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this music suits my playing very well :smile:

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i did Search for you on Spotify and i did find a Song that is called “Village of the Living Trees” it’s also a Jungle Song and the Song gets interesting at 01:03 maybe you could to add something like that into the middle of your Song i hope i could help you to improve your Song a little bit.

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I looked it at and wow I can add something like that! Thank you for your suggestion!

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Since you say fps, I’d probably add some hints of synth across the track just to remind the player that they aren’t only monke.

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haha no problem! it took me sometime, though.

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the music sounds like a starting screen and you have to click “play” to play but yea, its very good music

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True, I should change it up a bit so it doesn’t sound like it. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Hey, again i must say you did improve the song very well but could you try to remove this backround noise because i can imagine this can get really annoying over time.

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Yeah the background noise is going to be removed, you only hearing it because the music I made with FL studio had over 24KB and I can only upload 10KB onto Roblox DevForum so I had to downgrade the audio just so I can upload it.

Oh Okay, then the Song is Perfect!

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I only have only tip:

Create an engaging main theme instead of repeating the jungle vibe drums.

Other than that I love the FPS Jungle game idea!

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