What do you think about the game I'm working on, The Admin House?

This Is one of the games im working on


The Admin House - Roblox

What do you think ,how should i improve? How should i advertise it
And how should i get the robux needed to advertise this game?


Pretty nice revamp of the classic admin house, although the free models were bugging me a little! :happy1:

Thanks alot
I will most likely change that as i learn more !

Good game, except when you jump, it hits your head, pushing you back down. Make: ‘Completing obby’ O uppercase.
Change “winner” to “admin”
Also if it is Kohl’s Admin house 2 why does it use HD admin not Kohl’s Admin?
and yeah, its pretty boring

not likely for anyone to play this over kohl’s admin.

Ok thanks for the Constructive Criticism I will most likely change that

I will also find a way to keep users engaged

Anyways Thanks again!

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The game overall is good. If you want to get robux for advertisement I advise you to look for an investor interested in the game so they can sponsor it.

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Good idea, Where can i find that?

Im not quite sure, but usually I see some on twitter or like shark tank games and dev forums.

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Oh ok thanks ill check that out!

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