Hello, a few weeks ago I made a spear in Blender for my futuristic Military Group. I don’t know how to make textures but the blade is cyan with a material of neon then set to a certain transparency. What do you think?
Very nice! all it needs is the handle colored and in someones hand and you have yourself a very cool weapon!
Looks nice nice! But looking into the Roblox Studio, I think mesh should have a texture and hide the lines , but looks cool!
Looks pretty good, I can’t point out a lot of details though because it isn’t colored, especially with Blender’s background and the background in Studio, it’s still kind of hard to tell all of the details, but it looks great!
Thank you everyone, I will take some lessons on how to texture.
Looks really cool and clean, but you just need to add the texture, I am sure you have already planned/started to do that. Anyway good job!
I highly recommend using smooth shading to get rid of those sharp lines, then edge splitting where necessary.
Add some color and texture to it
Looks very nice! It reminds me of the guardian spear from breath of the wild.