What do you think of my Boston Tea Party Historical Game: A Devlog

This is the first cutscene I have attempted making. I used a plugin called “Cutscene Editor Plugin”. The cutscene is part of a game based on the Boston Tea Party.

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The text is slightly hard to read, try adding a text box of sort? I also suggest a plain cut so the camera doesn’t clip into the buildings when moving, however im unsure on how to add that.

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I suggest of having a different way to transition the camera, so far it clips through the wall and it affects how it fluid and how it feels, I also recommend changing the easing-style & easing-direction so it’ll look less linear, you should make the text slightly smaller and give a bit more time for the player to read

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The text is slightly hard to read, but overall pretty nice first attempt!

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Ok! Cool! Thanks you for your feedback! I will see how a text box looks and I like the smooth cut even if it does clip through buildings.

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Ok cool thanks. I can do that if the text is to fast and to big. Thanks you for your input and I will check out easing-direction.

Thanks you! It was my first cut-scene and it was fun to make! Any specific changes to make the text easier to read?

Perhaps you could try putting the text in it’s own seperate box with a background colour to highlight the white text?

Ok cool! I will send a video trying that.

Is anyone interested in seeing the progression of the game?

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Hey, this is nice, but historically speaking the cutscene would be somebody blowing a whistle after Sam Adams saying “this meeting can do nothing more to save the country” and then everybody running to the docks. Also very interested in the progression of this game.

Ok! Thanks you so much! I really want to keep this historically accurate. The boston tea party would not have happened at night then? Also some people might have been in their houses during the meeting and they were told after the meeting? Thank you for your help! I will keep this post updated!

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I have created a throwing animation for some NPCs. They are chucking tea overboard. Tell me what you think!


It was late evening to night, and as far as I’m aware everybody interested in participating was waiting outside the courthouse.

Very cool. If you want to change them, I know the boxes were really well decorated. Funny to watch!

Ok cool! I am going to take some creative license and say that the player was told later. But I will add another cutscene at the beginning of the game with the meeting. Ok I will add some details and decor to the tea boxes. I am glad you like the animation. More progress is being made and more vids will be out soon!

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Hey everyone! I am proud to announce that The Boston Tea Party is live! I would love all of your suggestions and feedback! Thank you all!

The Boston Tea Party