What do you think of my crab with a rocket launcher

some people seemed to like my crab so what do they think of this crab


So I’ve seen a crab holding a knife, but a rocket launcher is new… Looks cool though. Just get it to move and fire rockets in random directions and I’ll definitely use it.


Yes! amazing work!
( ngl all of these crab posts are making me want crab cakes)

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here is some more crabs then


Stop making me want food :triumph:

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Neon Crab vibes. I like them, you should try to make a super realistic one.

I dont think I would do to good with a realistic model. Plus i want to keep my game pretty low poly

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Fair, for a low poly it works very nicely. Good job.

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I love this!! So adorable and also a little scary to imagine a crab with a rocket launcher!! haha!!

Keep it up! :slight_smile:

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I remember seeing crabs with knives as jokes online, but a rocket launcher? Honestly, really unique concept! I like how smooth the model overall looks, the rocket launcher is nice, the crab is very proportional and adorable… yet deadly

In a short conclusion, it’s funny, it’s detailed, it’s cute, everything you’d need in a model on roblox nowadays!

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Thank you so much :laughing: 30c

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Interesting, let me think, a simulator?

no, a third person shooter game :slight_smile:

That idea sounds good to me
Good luck

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if the game these are being used in doesn’t have crab rave in it im deleting my account >:( not really

I love the style It reminds me of a game called deeeer simulator so I really like it will this be a game soon or is it just something you making?

Crab rave, more like… crab raid


no, a third person shooter game :slight_smile:

A third person shooter game with animals? Quite unique… I actually had an idea for something like that but never really had time to make anything like it, so I am glad to see someone has thought the same and is working on that, good luck. :slight_smile:

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30 chars

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