I experimented with lighting in my game and what do you think about it?
This is the previous:
Glow up or not?
- Glow up (It is better than previous)
- Glow down (It is worse than previous)
0 voters
I experimented with lighting in my game and what do you think about it?
This is the previous:
0 voters
Wow, it looks like you went to both ends of the extreme.
The top looks like wayyy to much Bloom.
The bottom looks very dull and flat.
Maybe try something in the middle.
yet theres no bloom. All i see is he just added an atmosphere and sunrays (i could be wrong)
They are both not very good. There are just two polar opposites here. You shouldn’t have no ray intensity at all, but also not too many, both of these are unrealistic. Try to go somewhere between the two images you provided.
If you only want to use either or (which I don’t recommend), then the previous one is better to me.