Definitely an intriguing concept with a lot of potential. A game like this provides many opportunities, such as a wide range of outcomes the player can experience when attempting to repair their computer. It’d be a good way to keep the game interesting. Keep at it!
This is a really good concept, but… What is this going to be? The gui is not the best, i would recommend making it better (unless this is what you are going for). Also, you should make something outside the windows. An empty sky wouldn’t be the best. The style you are going for is like old roblox simplicyty, which looks really good. The lighting looks great too, I like it!
The idea of fixing your computer is cool, the game looks very crude, as I understand it, the computer can’t be fixed yet?
everything in the game requires reworking except idea
It isn’t a game, it is a sequence of text objects on a part.
Definition of “game” according to the Oxford dictionary: an activity that one engages in for amusement or fun.
I am unable to find the amusement and fun (yet).