What Do You Think Of My Game?

Hello, i was wondering if i could have your opinion on my ROBLOX Game! The game is called Coin Farming Simulator!

As i am just a kid and i’m the only person making this game, i’d like to hear some opinions and possibly some Tips & Tricks on how to make it better!

(Currently i’m having issues with the leaderboard so if you try the game please ignore that ill have it fixed soon!)


Thank You So Much! :smiley:

Edit: Im currently starting to learn to make designs and make the game look better!


it good thx I will ply it so i will be and feel gud

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I personally don’t like simulator games on Roblox as they all feel the same. You might want to up the number of coins to get to each new level, because I progressed through the first few levels in under a minute. Also, the bland grey walls weren’t that good looking and each level was really just a square with better coins and maybe a few different props.

This is definitely a start to what could become a great game, but I think it could use quite a bit of improvement.


I’ll definetly take that into consideration… i’m really trying to make it look the best i can, but atm i’m not good at that at all, but i’m going to learn!

edit: also you probably got through the first few areas so fast because, theres a 4x coin event!

You can make it more interactive,
like missions or add objects, I hope it will serve you.

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yeah, i’d love to add a shop to buy stuff (not with robux) but i have no idea. but i like the idea of missions!

Tambien puedes ponerle iluminacion, ya que se ve un poco obscuro, llegaras lejos si sigues practicando. :slight_smile: Espero te sirva.