What do you think of my new icon

what do you think about my new icon, I put the blue stripes as a watermark


It’s really good but before I give some advice what is it for?

Is it for a game? If so what type?


I agree with @Goaldan it looks very visually appealing however there’s no information as to what it’s for. Try including your game’s name, theme or core concept!


What’s the point of the blue lines? It throws off the whole image.

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It’s a watermark but understandable mistake.

Looks good.
Can you change the red logo to green/grey or make it more transparent. It’s really in the foreground.
I would remove or reduce the white big line and the circle in the right upper corner.
If it’s made for a fighting game or for a portfolio, then it’s okay. But if you made it to a peaceful game, you should not place this creepy character there.
That’s all. :slight_smile:


I sort of disagree, I think he should keep the logo red instead of green. If it was green it wouldn’t contrast the background surrounding it. The red makes it stick out. :smiley:

True, your opinion is interesting.
I see it as the logo is in the foreground and the art is in the background because of the color contrast. We’re different humans, we have different views. :wink:

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Agreed I think the point of the letter is to stand out and that works as it was the first major detail I noticed about the image!

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I can only imagine the “F” is his own person trademark/watermark as his name starts with an F, just a guess though.

will be for a game, which will be released soon


Just to summarise the feedback here, if it’s for a game we all recommend to include some description of that game. E.g. name or theme.

What type of game? Is it a fighting game? Is it a simulator?
Please provide information on what the games about!

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It will be a game of history and parkour

Then instead of that, I’d go with something that represents your game more. The image you’ve shown seems to fit a portfolio more then anything. I’d suggest going with less effects and showing the character more front and center, maybe with a basic background that’ll contrast the character and will make him stand out.

Oh, I didn’t read, the blue striped water mark Dosent fit it. He already has a F for a watermark, why the stripe?

Sorry you must be misunderstanding so the “F” will be his permanent watermark regardless if someone commissions him ect. The blue lines are to stop people stealing the image off the Dev Forums here as he hasn’t released it as part of a game yet.

Rather than watermark the “F” is more like his mark to show he made it.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. The lines are basically how someone puts there discord on the logo all around it, to make sure someone Dosent copy it. Once agian, thanks for clarifying it with me.

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Yeah exactly its like when people put semi transparent text diagonally across an image. :smile:

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This logo is very appealing, but as @TheodoreBalfour said, there’s no information, theme or concept. I suggest maybe adding items into your logo or some assets that might give people an understanding of what your game is about.

Nonetheless, it looks very good! :smile: