What do you think of my Slenderman?

I made this Slenderman model for fun, it is 15.5 studs tall. That’s 9.5 studs taller than my 6-stud players, and 4.5 studs taller than my original Slenderman. What do you think?

  • Has the Trim head
  • Uses two of the Enormous Spider Legs accessories
  • May or may not be behind you

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Also, I think it looks decent.


the black sky is interfering the view of the model so I can’t give it a rating ;_;


i mean i think its visible enough but ill update the picture hold on

This Slenderman you have created looks good! Great job on it! How long did it take to make this? What will you use it in? Will you make more characters?

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it took me like 12 minutes at most, i dont have any intention to use it but hey maybe ill get bored of train stuff, and when i think of some i might make more

also glad u like it man :+1: