What do you think of my title screen?

please go to

for the game
what do you think


of my title screen?
any improvements that can be made?


It’s certainly functional, but I’m not too sure about those gradients. Reminds me of old Flash games from the 2000s.

also, you misspelt tutorial in the corner



no money. you can do it free

what and can you send images?

It looks like it’s from 2006, just title the game “Retro Car’s beatiful world” and you’re set.


the UI gradients are way too vibrant and could use some more effort, you can try making them have more emphasis and darker colors since they don’t mostly fit what the background is showing, same goes for the buttons since their shading are too incorrect

what does that mean?

what does that mean?

right now? i have that is private.

but not more than 1000


you could get one for 500 robux if u want i can but its ur choice u can find one in rodevs or me

Well, I will tell you what I think. (Of course, this is only my own thoughts, and other people might think different.)

  • I recommend changing the gradient, looks ugly and old. Find new colors, or get rid of the gradient.
  • Change the TextColor3 of the TextButton to be White.
  • Round the corner of the buttons.
  • Have a thicker outline / or no outline at all.
  • Maybe blur the background?

I think something like this might be a bit better.


Perhaps add some more design to it so it doesn’t seem too plain. So far it does look pretty neat.

Not bad, but I think you could use a different font than arial along with better shapes of the buttons, along with the colors. They don’t really match with the background as it’s just a screenshot of the game. If it had some appealing image (brighter and more effects/ unique), I’m sure it would have a good first impression on the player.

check out this #bulletin-board Info about Qs-beautiful-world
and this, my game for the latest version

Just saw it, I strongly suggest you blur the background, along with getting rid of the arial font. Maybe try a different color theme than the gradient.

It’s not a bad game though!

I have tried the game. Boy, there is so much to criticize about but I’m going to try to be as nice as possible.

The game… is genuinely bad. There are many free models and low-quality builds that it’s terrifying. There are also so many grammar errors like your or you’re. The typewriter effect is INCREDIBLY slow and there are so many scripting errors (looking at the Dev Console).

I think you should start from scratch. I couldn’t even figure the objective. It just gave me a headache. I think you can do better than this. In all seriousness. I think you should try to be original with models too because, literally… kohl admin houses, cash register, etc. Don’t get me wrong, you did some effort but this is not your best. I expected better. I suggest following some resources like https://developer.roblox.com and study popular games and their visuals (and mechanics). The UI looked like something from a children’s book I used to have for school when I was 5. I sound like Gordon Ramsey right now lol but I have to get that out of my chest. Goodluck. I’d be happy to help but if I’m helping, I’m starting from scratch.

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I’ll say the most simple thing, the colors looks like it is from the early 2000’s
Here you can use a website to find colors that should match: Color palette generator

Change your rainbow backround to hotter colors. (like purple to yellow)

Hi, while playing your game I was very confused, and encountered a lot of bugs.

First of all, I feel that the map design can be improved.

Secondally, add more detail to the coin.

The house rental system was not working, it kept teleporting me to the roof of the house.

I was randomly teleported to this area after walking through a door.

The coin giver was not working correctly, even though I have premuim.

Lastly I was given the VIP pet without being a VIP.

Your game idea seems pretty good, you need to just polish certain aspects of the game, if you need any help in terms of better map design, dm me on devfourm and I will happily help. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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maybe i can improve that one

you proplebly pressed that proximety promt if not then i dont know what happend

i think i need to shorten the hitbox of that part in side but that

is that players are not inside when the time runs out

i dont have premuim so i cloud not test it


it now works roblox studio probably also in game

The idea isn’t bad, it just looks really poor-quality (no offense, I’m not really good with GUIs myself, so I’m just saying this from a player’s point of view.)

I think you should change the font, as the font that you have looks really basic. Then, I would increase the frame of the GUI to a larger thickness, and then I would add a blur as the background.

Another suggestion is to make a custom logo/title for “Car’s Beautiful World” so it looks original and cleaner.

These are just a couple of suggestions. If you fix this, in my opinion, I think it would be much better. Like I said, I’m horrible when it comes to creating GUIs, so I’m stating this from a player’s point of view.

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