Pretty good! Is it to make a showcase or a game? Also, in your original build plan, there’s some sort of gravel/rocks under the rails, which pretty much every rails have and which I think you should add. If you’re trying to make a showcase or even if you are not, you should try to add more textures (the only way I could give you is the PBR way, however, you shouldn’t use something which doesn’t belong to you since it’s illegal)
Thanks, it will be a train driving game like CBR (Cool Beans Railway). Yeah I need to the Ballast (That’s what it’s called). Yeah i do need textures but am still building the route and I find some textures on my own, but thanks for offering.
My main concern is the highlated part. The 2 tracks are way too compacted and thinking about that, if u actually add a train to each of that tracks, dont you think the 2 trains will collide? It would be better if u keep some space between these 2 tracks
Well I do agree with you on some points but I think the main thing is to make the trains change tracks from left to right, since it’s going two direction from the station.
To recreate something I usually practice what I’m making (in your case, train rails). When I’m finished and satisfied with my design I line both rails up and make make minor changes. For the train station. Also, was the second picture what you have done or another picture of something you want to recreate?
Thanks. If your trying to recreate the second picture. I recommend looking up a reference picture of a inside of the train station in real life, so you can use it for reference.