What do you think of my world?

What do you think of this world that I created from TOOLBOX models and with a little effort? It is built mainly from free models, more however, I have tried to give it my essence.



It looks like a nice roleplay world! Maybe scale it a bit smaller, so you can reach stuff in a reasonable anmount of time without a car. Also, the game takes a while to load up. Did you make sure to check for suspicios scripts? Also for the thumbnail, the world should be the main part for a showcase world, so try keeping it free from characters that cover big parts of the image.

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Given that the name of the game is “Long trips” I have a feeling that was intentional.

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I don’t know, but the size of the world is really huge, even for a exploring game. I think it’s better if theres more details in the world to make it bigger, and not just a hugely scaled map.

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Thank you for your comments, I will take them into account :smiley:

Yes it was intentional :sweat_smile:

I will work on reducing the overall size a bit