What do You Think of These Thumbnails

Hey I am making some graphics for this group game :smiley:
Please give me feedback about how they look!

How do THey Look
  • Great!
  • Needs Improvement

0 voters


This style is pretty simple but very unique, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a thumbnail that matches this aesthetic (especially the second one)


Thanks man :smiley: Really appreciate the feedback :slight_smile: :+1:


Looks fantastic! The only thing that I’d say you need to change is the knife in the second thumbnail. The knife looks quite cartoon-like and not serious, which doesn’t blend in with the sort of gritty and serious text/background.

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Thanks I will take your feedback into consideration :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I think the knives are quite cartoony

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No problem. I actually forgot to add, I suggest using a modern combat knife like one of these:



Ok will do I was actually considering this but I thought it looked too brutal for the platform :stuck_out_tongue:

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Overall these are good thumbnails! The first one is neat and simple, although the second one could improve. The left side is very mismatched with the right, so it would be better if you could intergrade it, so that they collide together. Otherwise fantastic!

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Nice thumbnails, very detailed in my opinion.

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