What do you think of theses icons?

Hi! I’m recreating Slap Battles and an admin of my game made icons for the game. What do you think of it?




It’s generally nice, however would be a lot better if it’s a 3D scene + 2D logo.
And try to be more creative! Feel free to add effects.
Good job :clap:

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Thanks for the feedback @Megalodox_Official ! I’ll be sure to tell him!

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pretty nice icons and I even tested the game, i think you need union some parts and so good job however.

The game is in very early beta so of course I know it’s not good, first I need a scripter to help me make gloves… I’m a very bad scripter so I don’t know how to make a working glove by myself.

its good for a beta, but i think it need to have more dynamism… Maybe ass some movement lines and a sound bubble like you find in cartoons.

Ok, I’ll do that!

You wanted to say “add”, right?

hahaha omg my typing skills are so bad XD