What do you think of this Design? Icons | Food graphic design



Ok these are too good.

10/10 (thus srsly does deserve it)
I wish i was at such a Level.

But just a suggestion. Make it more saturated.
The color of patties is a bit dull.

Also make the pizza have more C H E E S E


Great for icons, however it’s a bit too wide for certain of them, however other than that, it’s usable.

Very delicious. Wait, I mean they look fantastic! The details and texturing on the food makes it pretty eye catching when it comes being it in-game.

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It’s honestly a 10/10 for me too, maybe the pizza slide is a bit to wide, but at this level it’s only a small detail. You worked very well on textures, gg, however maybe the little green balls on the pasta box (is that pesto? My apologies if not) may look weird from afar…

Very nice work, can’t wait to see what you’ll do with that!

The scaling seems a bit off, but it works with the cartoony style.

The seeds on the burger bun are definitely too large though.

The pizza is a bit too tall, but I know there’s a lot of variations when it comes to the small details like this, so it should be fine.

Overall, very good!

Really cute design!
Don’t think there’s anything to really point out. Unless you want more variation on food design, otherwise it’s good as it is.

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