What do you think of this game idea?

Hello everyone!

I have been working on this project for a week or so and would like some feedback on the game idea.

The idea of the game is that you have to protect your picnic from giant ants. You start with a basic gun and as you get more kills you unlock new weapons. I also have made it so every 5 waves there is a boss (although there is only 1 boss in the game right now) and after the boss a new type of ant will be thrown into the spawn chances. If you have any bug reports or suggestions, that’d be great!

You can try out the game here:

You can also vote on this poll if you’d rather that.

  • It’s a great idea!
  • It’s a decent idea.
  • It’s alright.
  • It’s better than copying someone else’s.
  • It’s horrible.

0 voters



I like the idea, in my opinion its original and cool but I think you could improve the GUIs to make it look better. Maybe try making it more round and with different colours, but in general I liked it.

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In my opinion, your idea is interesting.
But you need to work hard to make this game attractive to players.
Without many features, people will prefer to play games like Toy Defence rather than yours.

Goode idea but could have been executed better. For example the game is way to hard to play on mobile and lacks features. Some things you could add are coins a pet that can give you 2x coins for example and little solidiers like “bug spray warrior” or something lol. Great idea but could be better :slight_smile:

Thank you all for these suggestions. To be honest I’ve probably only spent around 18 hours of studio time on this game, and it’s really just a tech demo. That’s why it’s really unpolished. I’m glad you like the idea, and I will keep those suggestions in mind.

@Iki_GN, I do agree the GUI’s need better design
@Oskar_248 Yeah, it definitely needs more features
@hellobeede The bug spray warrior sounds great, thanks! I will also keep mobile in mind.

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Pretty decent game. A few more things could be added for it to look better, such as enhanced UIs, etc. Maybe add NPCs that help assist your picnic.

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I tried it and I got to wave 5 before the game appeared to have broke (I waited about 3 minuets and not ants/bosses spawned).

The ability to shoot without reloading was a plus for me.

The gun (at least the starting one) could use a bit more feedback, but there is nothing wrong with it as it is.

Overall, pretty decent game idea.

Ah yes, sorry about the bug. I had accidentally just published the game before I tested it and it seems that there was a issue. When you say feedback, what do you mean? Also, thanks for testing!

No problem. I like looking at new things when I can.

As for the feedback on the gun, something like camera shake or a cursor animation (although cursor animation would really only work for mobile players)

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