What do you think of this hub area for a retro styled horror game?

i know the title doesn’t sell it to you. I’ve seen and played some of the slop on this platform. However I’m genuinely pouring my soul into this. I’m trying to make it as good as I can. I literally remade an entire year worth of development because I didn’t like where it was going. I want to actually make this disturbing. This will be a single player horror game with a multiplayer mode as a spin off in case people wanna rp or play something based off the game with friends.

For now, here’s part of the non-disturbing section of the game, the crossroads (unrelated to the Roblox game, however it is a reference to it)

There are tunnels at 3 of the sides of the map, I’ll add signs eventually. The northern tunnel is blocked off however it’ll be accessible in the horror part. The player model is a placeholder however I thought of the player being a rabbit, and once you enter a tunnel, the game will remember that, and if you wanted to go to another section but you don’t wanna walk all the way back, you can dig a tunnel yourself in a dirt patch to fast travel back to prior sections. You’ll be spit out in the crossroads but next to the entrance to the area you wanna go to. You first have to discover the area so your character “knows where to dig”

So, what do you think of this hub map? My main concern is that it’s confusing and takes too long to traverse. I wanted to make it look desolate, and for now the theme that plays during it is this https://youtu.be/5OgNrGyn0sE (it’s a placeholder I don’t wanna just rip off shipwrecked)


very cool, i think theres a bit of stud overuse, try universal studs (both inlets and studs) for asphalt and no studs for something like wires and these columns holding them


that was a deliberate choice since i’m not using roblox’s real studs but a texture because roblox’s studs change depending on graphics, tho i might change up the stud texture variation if i can find a texture

It looks fitting for your case! I like the bricks but I’m not sure if I’m comfortable having a grid of lines throughout entire gameplay, looks like it would hurt my eyes.

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With the resurface plugin theres an option to set studs, inlets, universal, weld/glue to be MaterialVariant so it makes them not change and lets you use them on unions, though it forces them to be on all sides

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do you mean the powerlines? i only intend them to be in the crossroads

oh, didn’t now that. i think it’s a little way too late now tho :sob:

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Oh I meant the UI effects, I believe you added a retro tv styled filter?

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i realized this just now and i just opened devforum to reply but the 4:3 bars ARE toggleable, the scanlines aren’t since it genuinely ruins the atmosphere.