What do you want to see documented for plugins?

This is a repost of a thread made a few hours on dev discussion that was apparently off-topic. Mods spare me please.

Hey there, I’m metatablecat. I’m an active documentation contributor on the Roblox Wiki (see my pull requests here.)

Today, I’m reaching out regarding on how to improve the guides around plugins. Currently there’s two pages regarding these which are outdated.

  1. /studio/plugins
    This guide provides a general overview of plugins. It showcases how to get plugins, provides a tutorial on how to create the EmptyScriptAdder plugin, and upload it. This also makes a passing notice to PluginDebuggingService (thanks to yours truly), but doesn’t fully outline how to use it. (the images are outdated lol).
  2. /studio/build-studio-widgets
    This guide showcases how to utilise DockWidgets to create windows in Studio, this guide is fairly outdated. It still references a now deprecated GitHub repository that still depends on RbxCreate (ouch). It also mentions drag-drop logic and mouse cursors.

From what you can gather, this is not that good of documentation for a whole subsection of Roblox development. I’m sure you’ve had that one Studio tool you’ve wanted to make but just given up because the documentation on it is terrible.

For example, where’s ScriptEditorService? Where’s Plugin settings? Where’s PluginMenus and Actions? The API reference documentation is mostly fine, but unless you know about the stuff ahead of time, it kind of defeats the point of this.

So, feel free to leave your suggestions on what could be better documented, and I’ll bake it into one big pull request completely revamping plugin documentation.

Another one: Parallel Luau in plugins, how does this work, whats the point of the Plugin RunContext.

Im not comfortable enough with parallel luau to figure out how this works but A