What do your first games look like?

Hello developers!

I decided to choose something lighter for my first topic - what your old games used to look like? If it was simple, filled with bugs, etc. You can also compare with your new work to see your progress and how much it changed! My first game was Horror Obby. Thought it was a good one… judge for yourself. :laughing:
I can’t wait to see your games. - OKOROS


My first game I worked on before was a game where you had to complete levels but during the levels you’d collect orbs which give you abilities, such as being able to Double Jump for example. The game never really went past the tutorial and a single level, not sure what happened, probably us giving up on the thing, probably cause of unorganization. I think the game was called Powers of Parkour if I remember correctly

This was level 1

And this was the tutorial

I only really knew how to script back then, I had a friend help me with the builds.

But besides that, after looking back through some nostalgia, the worst thing about honestly was my old code. Back then I didn’t even know to properly organise my scripts, so most of my organization was messy and would’ve been impossible to fix if the game was continued

Just an example, here are my kill parts that were used in Level 1


They had the same script it in that is supposed to “kill” you, but all it does is teleport you to your previous checkpoint, but even that was messy as it individually checks a value for what checkpoint you are in and teleports you to it using individual if statements

Are you on Checkpoint 1? Teleport to checkpoint 1 part
Are you on Checkpoint 2? Teleport to checkpoint 2 part

And so on

My 2nd game wasn’t that much of an improvement as it was still messy, although I did learn about module scripts.

3rd “game” is the one on my profile which had quite a lot of improvements from my previous ideas since I had improved significantly, although I still don’t know how to build so someone helped me with that

And finally, today, I’m working on a game with 2 of my friends. There’s no real pictures I could show yet since I am not yet able to get pictures of the buildings (also by my friend), so all I can really show is a preview what you may expect to see in the game,

Such as these creatures, you’ll see how the game will be once I ever release it and showcase it in Cool Creations


Well, this is what my Roblox place looked like during the year I first joined Roblox (2009):

As you can tell, its nothing more than a plaster of free models after free models. I have improved a lot since then, but it took some time.


my first ever game was a free model obby sadly i dont have any images of it i was very proud of my game


My first game was my attempt of making a click the button and flex how many clicks you got.
As you can see I attempted to make a low poly style and alternatively stopped adding trees. I spent 2 days trying to learn how to save the clicks on the leader board, it was pretty painful. Most of the trees were floating from the ground and the cliff top mesh was broken but I learnt a lot from building and scripting it.


Let’s just simply say; Free models.

Later when I got to know studio a bit better, I did this with a friend. It was supposed to be a beach coast map for Epic Minigames.


An obby, the first game after I learned to script. I don’t remember any before tho


Those were quite the old days. I made this over a week or so, it is almost entirely free models. Not my proudest game, but my first one :eyes: [Back To School!] Teleporter Town (Beta) - Roblox


Check the description of the place. Technically my first place was a free-model-world I made at the end of 2010 but this is the first thing I actually made. Earliest version I found of this was from February 2011.


My first game was literally a free model obby with checkpoints that worked with the TeamsService. The only scripting involved was me copy pasting code from a youtube tutorial for the gamepass button. The only building involved was me joining multiple free models together to form an obbylike shape. Basically, it was bad.

Here’s the game: The Simple Obby (Update!) - Roblox

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My first game was actually an obby tower filled with models and models that had viruses XD!
I was so proud of that game and considered myself a “Pro Developer” :joy:.

I kinda impressed myself considering I was 10 - 12 at the time I made these. The first build is of a neon arcade, I went way overboard on the neon material and didn’t have any actual lighting. The second build is some random mexican restaurant I made featuring a free model dance floor.


This was the first time I used Roblox studio, and I used alot of free models that contained viruses, but I still enjoyed Inserting random things onto a baseplate.


My first game was called Gear Up And Fight. Created on May 1, 2017, on the day I signed up. It had two army bases on each side of the base plate, and one long part in the middle, with a lightsaber jpeg on the ground, and one gun. Now, 4 years later, it’s just two big blocks