What does Debounce do as a function?

What does debounce do exactly?


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That by itself, doesnā€™t do anything. debounce is just a variable people tend to use when doing things such as cooldowns in some functions, etc.


ā€œDebouncingā€ refers to a technique used to ensure that a function is not called repeatedly within a short period of time. You can think of it as a mini cooldown.

Hereā€™s how debouncing generally works:

  1. When an event occurs (such as a mouse click), a function is triggered.
  2. Before executing the main logic of the function, a debounce function checks whether a certain amount of time has passed since the last time the function was executed.
  3. If the time elapsed is less than the debounce threshold, the function or code block does not execute.
  4. If the time elapsed is greater than or equal to the debounce threshold, the function executes its main logic, and the debounce mechanism resets the timer.

There isnā€™t a ā€˜built-inā€™ debounce function. Itā€™s something you make on your own. Hereā€™s a simple version:

local debounce = false -- our debounce variable
local function debounceTest()
     if(not debounce) then
               debounce = true
               print("Hello, world!")
               debounce = false

debounceTest() -- won't print because 1 second has not elapsed.
debounceTest() -- should print because 1 second has passed.
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Well aware of the terminology, but in this case with the code which the OP posted, it does nothing and is nothing more but a variable. The variable a can be used and the code will work as intended; preventing certain things from being triggered when itā€™s not supposed to, which was my point (We can both be right)

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?? Did you even read the post? They were asking what a debounce is and it was explained.


Should be:

if not debounce then

Youā€™re right! Been messing around in JavaScript a bit too much.


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