What does needle and haystack mean?

I was about to use the table.find() function but then it showed this? what does it even mean
I dont remember any of those words being there and im very confused at the moment


They’re the parameter names the table.find function uses. It’s a neat little reference to the saying “It’s like finding a needle in a haystack!” (to say something’s really hard to find or will take ages/lots to search), where the haystack is the table and the needle is the value being searched for. It’s commonly used in programming to describe searching for a value within a larger data structure.

Basically, table.find conducts a linear search on the table for the value and returns the index of the first occurence of the needle.


Very unnecessary feature but thanks for explaining. Couldve been easier if they just used proper names


idk, even programmers need humor sometimes lol

also needle in a haystack is commonly used in programming to refer to such a case


its a lot less professional but to me it makes more sense with needle and haystack than whatever the alternative would be lol

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