What Does (or Doesn't) Work for Advertising?

Over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed that advertising on ROBLOX doesn’t work, unless you drop a very large amount of money into advertisements - and even then, you risk the advertisement not being successful whatsoever. I remember a time where a 50,000R$ ad and sponsorship campaign was enough to garner at least 1,000-2,000 CCU counts, it seems like ROBLOX is so saturated with ads, especially from very large game companies that spend ungodly amounts of money on game ads, that the ad system is useless now.

Back in April, when my game was first starting out, I ran a big ad campaign over a weekend of around 150,000 R$ - the game only peaked at 150 CCUs during this campaign.

What really made the difference, was using a service I found on Twitter, in which the people at this service would connect you with big(ger) YouTubers to make videos on your game. I did this, and the game blew up, reaching a peak of 3,000+ CCUs, the most amount of players I’ve had on a game since 2015 (peak of 6,000+). However, as seen by my game maintaining only 100-200 CCUs today, that did not last extremely long.

I have since tried numerous times to contact that service again for another sponsor with their affiliated YouTubers, and I have been ignored/left on read numerous times, despite doing business with them in the past. I will not be naming them, since I really don’t have a desire to “expose” them.

It is very frustrating trying to get my game to reach even a third of the CCUs it once held, and we have made sweeping changes to it, that have drastically affected gameplay in a positive manner, since it reached its peak. I also recall that sometime over the summer, ROBLOX drastically changed their search algorithm…

I am wondering how others do it?


I spent some robux on an ad campaign just over two weeks ago. It is about to end.

Between when I started the ad campaign, and now, there was about a week timeframe where my game started reaching 500-600+ CCU peaks, but now the game has dipped well below that and is struggling to reach 200 CCU numbers.

I thought this had something to do with the ads I ran, which was around 15,000 R$, but the ad campaign’s effectiveness is dismal, as seen below

Not sure what to do going forward.


There is no special method or way to make a lot of players instantly
The only way to go about it, is just the same as everyone else,
you either need luck or a really good game/genre (or a sh!t ton of money)

Once you got one of either 3 of the above you will need to promote your
game and the only methods are:
-Using Social media (Twitter,Tik Tok,Youtube(E-mail or Comment Section))
-Using Discord Servers
-Using Ads/Sponsor
-Appealing to a Sponsor that has ties with Youtubers/or that is very known

+Make a Trailer for your game on Youtube
+Hype your game up using Social Media

The only true way to make your game popular is to gather a larger audience
that does not only like war or gun games, you could potentially contact
creators from different genres to test your game or comment about it
or you could add updates from different genres, to be a good seller you
first need to know what your player wants, I hope this helped! :heart: