I just have a quick question: what does SoundService:SetListener() actually do? The documentation on it was kind of confusing to me, and I didn’t really get it.
Can someone please simplify it for me? If so, thank you and have a wonderful day!
SoundService:SetListener() is used to set the source you hear sounds from. Simply a sound receiver.
For example, game.SoundService:SetListener(Enum.ListenerType.ObjectCFrame, workspace.ListenerPart)
Let’s say there is a MusicPart in workspace and it’s playing a sound. The sound will get less audible as the MusicPart gets farther from workspace.ListenerPart
If you’re using headphones, the sound will shift to ear to ear depending on the position and CFrame of the MusicPart.
You can do game.SoundService:SetListener(Enum.ListenerType.Camera) for default behavior.