What does the "self." API do?

I’ve seen lots of posts and scripts with code that has self.

For example,






I tried looking through the API Documentation in the Developer Hub, but I couldn’t find it.

What is the API self. mean and what does it do?


self is a parameter automatically passed in when you use a colon to make a function, i.e.

function foo:bar()
foo:bar() -- in this case, self would be the foo table
-- this is also equivalent to
function foo.bar(self)

It is used a lot in OOP, or object oriented programming.

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Thank you for answering my question.

Another thing though. When would you use self.?

As in, in what kind of scenario when making scripts for something would using self. be the most appropriate and efficient to use?

If its not used for any type of specific scenario, them I’m assuming that it’s just for general use depending on whether you want to use it or not?

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self is generally used in object oriented programming. For example, if I was trying to make a game where all the cars are pretty much the same thing with different models and stats, we might use OOP.

local car = {}
car.__index = {}

-- how we create a car
-- we don't use colon because we don't really care how new is being called, just the
-- parameters that might be passed in
function car.new(model, speed)
    local newCar = {
        model = model,
        speed = speed
    return setmetatable(newCar, car)
-- here we do care about self
-- we want the function to print the car's speed, not the speed of another car
function car.__index.Drive()
    print("the car vrooms at " .. speed)
return car

There’s probably use of self outside of OOP, but this is the one I use most often.

P.S. Please don’t slam OOP into everything, a lot of scripts are simpler without OOP,


Self is an implicit parameter that references itself (it’s in the name) as in the location from which a method is called if done with colon syntax. These are equivalent:

function foobar.frobnicate(self) -- foobar:frobnicate()
function foobar:frobnicate() -- foobar.frobnicate(foobar)

Generally speaking you only ever need self for stateful objects so you can update the object’s state specifically without accidentally doing it on a class-level or frameworks structured in such a way that code in the framework has other pieces injected (see AeroGameFramework as an example).

There aren’t very many cases where you need it besides statefulness or deliberate architecture. If you see it a lot, most likely it’s either in object-oriented programming as mentioned earlier or because a developer likes the way it looks even though it’s entirely unnecessary and you can use dot syntax.