Exactly what the title says.
What does the syntax function foo():bar
I saw it on a post where it looked like this:
I’m thinking it means the type of object it returns, but I haven’t confirmed this.
Exactly what the title says.
What does the syntax function foo():bar
I saw it on a post where it looked like this:
I’m thinking it means the type of object it returns, but I haven’t confirmed this.
:Method takes a classname and I guess it’s saying that “Hey this function is a Vector2 function”, from what it looks like.
I’m not familiar with this these new roblox Lua methods. Maybe someone else can explain
Yes, but it was used in this context:
local pos = getPos()
And not like a Method
Never seen it, didn’t even know this exited because it doesn’t in vanilla lua, so this is something Roblox themselves implemented.
Why they did so is still a mystery as it doesn’t seem to have any valid uses for it.
You can’t define Vector2 inside the function or outside, it doesn’t do anything.
Is that it? It doesn’t do anything?
Well yeah, I see no use for this?
Feels like it’s the same as doing local Test: BasePart = workspace.BasePart
It’s just to define what it is from my understanding, like the comment above I posted.
I actually think the syntax would be something like this:
local function CreatePart():Part
return Instance.new(“Part”)
local Part = CreatePart()
And now the Lua autofill knows that the Part
variable is a Part, and can give suggestions like :Destroy()
Yes, that’s what I believe …….
Mhm yeah, it’s just to tell the programmer what the function does etc, is what I would say it is, and what the purpose of it is (part-related etc)
Yup, sure seems like this is the true intention behind it, just like the variables.
Not entirely, since if you use the syntax
local Part: BasePart = workspace.Part
Then the Lua autofill knows its a part and can give specific suggestions
local function Test(Test1 : Player, Test2 : Vector2)
But then again you have another way of doing it.
Can’t confirm the autocomplete, haven’t tested this yet
If I were to try it, I would do something like this:
function Test():Decal
return Instance.new(“Part”)
And see if using the function returns a variable that has the Decal’s autofill (such as .Image) but actually returns a part.
Both methods is fine, but I guess function Do():ClassName is used if you aren’t using any arguments inside it.
*Can be used if you aren’t using any arguments.
That’s the return type, it states what type the function would give back. It basically makes it easier to use types since x would automatically be assigned the type Vector2:
function getPos():Vector2
local pos = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(MS.Hit.Position)
return Vector2.new(pos.X,pos.Y)
local x = getPos() -- Autoassigned Vector2 type
It will return whatever you return though.
I knew it! Thanks for clarifying!
It was only because I tried finding documentation and found nothing