What does the “Value” represent on the datastores tab of the developer console?
Can’t seem to find the explanation.
I don’t know either. I would very much like to know.
I believe it’s related to Memory Usage. I believe the Value is either showing kilobytes or megabytes of memory used.
The only real use for a value like this that I can see is to monitor how close your # datastore calls come to your datastore limits.
The one source I’ve found on this topic said it had something to do with datastore limits. But mine appears to only grow in value. If it was some sort of Usage/minute like a limit would suggest, I would expect it to decrease.
I think it may be a total
Follow up question:
If it is #calls total do you know what is calling them? In two different games, I’m not calling any datastore functions other then startup and shutdown. But the counter continues to grow. Some sort of internal roblox data collection?
Second question: Why does it cap out at 300 outside studio?
I don’t know. I’m just saying maybe
I don’t think these calls are limited to DatastoreService. I read another post where people were talking about functions related to MarketPlaceService and Players Service as well. I know both of those services use :GetAsync() calls, so maybe it’s a combination of all of them? Not really sure, just my best guess.