What does this main menu look like?

Today I finished making my third main menu. And I would like to hear your criticism of my work. Here it is:

Any criticism will be heard!


This main menu looks great! Nice job on it!


Great main menu! However, shifting the buttons, title, and player slightly to the left, closer to the center would be beneficial. This adjustment can help ensure that the layout is visible on various devices and also make the buttons feel more “accessible,” if that’s the right term to use.


I think this will be a great edit for my main menu. Thank you very much!

This looks awesome! I would work on the secondary menus though, as that look a bit unpolished

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Moving the buttons just a tiny bit to the right would make the buttons stand out a bit more – and I also think the title doesn’t stand out very much (I had to look for it a bit). Adding a border color or something to it would look great.
Overall, great job!

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that main menu is clean the transitions between the different places are satisfying and little details like the planes the cars the wind and the beating in line with the music and the music is really relaxing

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It looks like fears to fathom game menu wow your good at UI animation and 3d UI’s to real-world

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