What Earns More: Premium Payouts Or Gamepasses?

Hey yall!

As I was planning out my game, I came upon a question I couldn’t really answer:
Do you earn more with premium payouts, or with gamepasses?

Please answer this generally, not specifically. Like, overall, which earns faster/which is more beneficial?

Thanks a million!


25% of robux earned goes to devs from every dollar roblox makes including premium payouts and devex, so I would say gamepasses as they are more consistent to estimate earnings than premium payouts

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That’s pretty much impossible. It will vary game to game depending on how aggressive the monetization is and how much people enjoy it.


I understand. However, what I’m basically saying by generally is: Overall, which method is preferred by developers to earn more money? Like, which one is used more?

I mean, I guess gamepasses, since you can’t exactly force premium players to stay ingame longer. That’s more inherent to the system than an intentional decision, though. I think my point stands.

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Ever since the huge increase in premium payouts a few months ago, I tend to make double in my premium payouts than I do in sales. Gamepasses are by far more reliable though, and you should base your game more around them than premium payouts.


Over what time period with how many visits on what game?

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1 week time period


I once got 452 robux from a Premium Payout, so I guess it can vary.

You tend to earn more from a single PP (Premium Payout) Then a Gamepass, (unless it is a expensive gamepass ofc) in the long run though, I would say gamepasses will make more. So i would say try to make 75% of your profit from gamepasses and 25% From Premium Payouts. Hope this helps,

sorry for bump
but at that time, what was the player count?