What else to add to my game?

Hello! I made a game, but I think that something else needs to be added.
Game link(if you want to play):
Destroy your device - Roblox

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Could you pls include the pics of the game.
This will be more easy to give you the suggestions for the people who are unable to play your game.

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Looks pretty good but still you can make it more better. Message me in devforum for more tips

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What should I add?
(lengthening post)

Just send me a message personally. So, I can give you more explanation

Just played it, and I have 2 ideas:

  • Add a box where you can type the amount of bricks you want to spawn instead of hovering over the button and moving the mouse
  • Update the FPS counter every 0.5-1 second(s) as it looks very glitchy when it constantly changes
while task.wait(1) do
	FPSTextObject.Text = "FPS: "..math.round(workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())

This would look less glitchy in my opinion
Also, set the FPS TextLabel TextXAlignment to Left so it doesn’t shift positions when going from double digit numbers to single digit numbers

Hope this helps!

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