Hello, there my name is DevNetCheese I have been playing roblox for about 5 years now (I had another account before this one)
My topic is about group spam bots/exploits now some of you may know this some of you many not know this but group spam bots come from a roblox player like a roblox player has to be in your group to use spam bots how I know this is because, I have been in many groups and one group did not have many member’s and they wanted more so they asked someone to use spam bots to gain members and comments. Now here’s the one biggest things I have seen no one is talking about…
The spam bots are coming for a Wed-Site (Not going to link it) like the bots can’t just come out of the sky or air it has to come for somewhere.
Now I know some of you might of have thought about why not just block them from your game that’s the thing you can’t… and if you do it does not work for long THERE IS ALL WAY’S A BACKDOOR. I know you can’t really keep spam bots out the best thing you can do is keep track of the people coming in your group because if you see spam bots and it’s after someone has joined your group KICK them out. Also the Wed-Site is not just so old Wed-Site it’s like scripting people’s script sometimes and there script must of the time has bugs and backdoor’s into them this is why you should all way’s and that Wed-Site looks for those bugs and scripts and it’s over your game is going to be another spam bot game also the bots are going to last for about 20 mins because roblox kicks you out if you are have not moved for over 20 mins. Tips: All way’s have a tester play your game, all way’s check your script, all way’s keep track of your members, also up date your game, and if you do have spam bots SHUT DOWN your game and find the bugs and kick them.
Now on to the exploits I swear I don’t like these people exploits are like spam bots they find back doors into your game now the best way to remove these exploits is just by making having don’t use free models, and don’t have admin ← what I mean by this is that group that have less admin commands have more of a change of not being exploit. Exploits use the the admin in the game make it there own and it make’s the game think that it’s you know a admin. Look at MMX the mods there don’t have admin in game if they want someone banned they use a script to do so the only thing that exploits can really use is Speed that mostly about it. What am trying to say is try to make you own admin and make sure if someone want’s admin use it by a script but while in game that is also another back door.
Let me know if this help you or not please if I messed up some where tell me I will try to fix it.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
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