What exactly are ray values?

:wave: Hi, I have recently started scripting and I came up onto something very interesting called Ray values. Now, I tried to look up what it means but I don’t seem to find out what it exactly does.

The documentation is also not really clear about it,
and all I know right now is that it has something to do with CFrame?
Correct me if I am wrong.

Link to RayValue Roblox Documentation

So could anyone explain to me what it really does? :smiley:

It holds a Ray. It’s like a StringValue, NumberValue, or BoolValue. It is extremely unlikely that you will ever use one. In the first place, Rays were never used for very many things, and their most common usage, FindPartOnRay, has been deprecated and replaced. Even then, Rays were pretty much always used at the time of their creation. There have been maybe three people ever who have needed to store a Ray inside of a RayValue for later use.

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Thank you, I really needed this explaination. I was also kind of confused how much I would have to use it aswell. Turns out almost never. :+1:

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