What exactly is BaseScript?

Hello everyone, this is my first post on the dev forums, I hope I’m doing it right. Anyway, my issue is that when I was looking at an open source game, it had somewhere along the lines of

local script = game.ServerScriptService.Script

if script:IsA("BaseScript") then
   --do stuff

So I looked at the roblox wiki and saw that “A BaseScript is a base class for all script objects which run automatically”. At first, I thought it was when a script is disabled or not, but when I tested the script:IsA(“BaseScript”) on a disabled script, it still seemed to pass through the if statement.

So my question is: What exactly is BaseScript?

I guess like this? BaseScript

Clearly, it’s any script that is CoreScript, Script or LocalScript. Unlike ModuleScript, which does not execute instantly upon runtime.


Ohh, so it’s basically any type of script that is not a module script?

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The tree in the image isn’t obvious, is it? Yes, that’s right.

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Sorry for replying to an old post put this caught my attention, why is LocalScript lower on the tree then a normal script?

I believe that is the case of similar operations, only that the LocalScript has differences in how it works compared to the normal script.

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Where does this tree come from?


On the left hand side under “Class Tree”

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Oh okay, thank you. I found it.