What exactly is crash rate?

My game’s crash rate seems to be all over the place

Why does the graph spike and fall off 10 minutes later? Would it not make more sense for “crash rate” to be crash count instead? Does crash rate mean 6% of my tablet players were crashing during the 10 minute period?

Any insight will be helpful

According to the documentation, the crash rate is defined as “Sessions that crash as a percent of overall sessions.” So it appears that 5–8% of your tablet players crashed over that period.

A spike may indicate a relationship between crashes and intensive game events. However, if your concurrent users graph looks similar, the crash rate may be resting at that range. That might suggest that your game uses too many resources for a set of low-end devices. Try testing with more players on a wider range of devices for more insight.

Additionally, a rate is more useful than a count because we’d expect crashes to increase with player count, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the game is performing worse. 500 crashes an hour sounds catastrophic until you realize a game averages 100,000 concurrent players.