What face best fits this style?

So Ive been playing around with different styles for a game Im working on and have finally settled on something that best fits my vision however now Im having issues on deciding a face style


The body


faces next to the body for comparison


Close ups of faces and different angles for best judgement

obviously speaking the face is a small part of the overall design however its the one thing Im having trouble deciding on, I cant tell if I should go for super simple or have a face with alot of detail, also feedback on the main body design would be nice however I wont be making major changes at this point

Thank you for reading and commenting if you did so



I for sure like the one with green eyes! It’s got a bunch of detail to it, and it looks a bit better, a bit more realistic in a cartoony way if that makes sense. They all look super good, but the green eyes wins my vote for sure! Well done! :slight_smile:


Last face is definitely the best

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I’d ay far right. All the other ones seem too detailed.

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I prefer going with the 3rd face with the brown eyes [because]
it fits with all kinds of games that you are making you wont have to worry about some extra assets that can also lag a server + it looks better than the green eyes because green eyes look like an anime character.
Well if you are going for an anime game definitely go for green eyes but if not, I prefer the brown eyes. :cool:


That last one without the eye whites fits the style incredibly well, it reminds me somewhat of the caricatures each Mojang employee gets.

Of course, the real answer is “all of them” if you have many different characters in your game. The rightmost one could be the player, as it is kind of a blank slate. But the others could be different characters, or even just used for special occasions and the characters emoting.

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I would do the green one, It seems like it would fit.

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I do plan on having NPC characters however I wanna pick one style that I can use for all characters

Taking everyones input into account I think the best choice is the most rights face style with different eye colours and possible number twos nose

I also think that the last one fits the best. It fits well.