What font that is similar to Gotham Sans?

People say they prefer using “Fredoka one” as a replacement for “Gotham Sans”.

A Thread (posted by a admin at roblox) regarding to the deprecation of “Gotham Sans”, introduced “Builder sans” as a “Replacement” for “Gotham Sans”.

Here’s side-by-side comparison between “Montserrat”, “Fredoka one” and “Builder Sans” on a SurfaceGui.

Montserrat Semi Bold
^ Montserrat Semi Bold ^

Fredoka Bold
^ Fredoka one Bold ^

^ Builder Sans Semi Bold ^

I also found out that “Builder Sans” is used for the default chat bubble font in game.TextChatService.BubbleChatConfiguration.


Im not sure what font to choose but i rather choose montserrat. Because it is similar to Gotham.

Also mods, Please remind me that if i miscategorize this post, because i have problems at categorizing my DevForum posts recently. i kindly edit this post to the appropriate / recommended category.


I mean, Roblox staffs did officially share that Monserrat is a visual alternative for Gotham.